A context of crisis

A contextof crisis

For the past few days, the conflict in theMiddle East has escalated, families are displaced, homes destroyed, andcommunities torn apart. Medair has been in Lebanon for over ten years and weare anticipating dire needs from displaced families seeking refuge. We will beable to quickly respond to the aftermath of the conflict.In collaboration withUNHCR, we are actively managing the vast warehouse in the Bekaa Valley, whichhouses crucial supplies including shelter kits, core relief items (such asblankets, mattresses, and kitchen sets), hygiene kits, and emergency latrines.Our dedicated team has already initiated the dispatch of these essential itemsto displaced families.

Donate to our emergency fund

Our emergency fund enables us to financetimely projects in severe humanitarian situations. The activities supported bythis fund include, notably, the provision of essential items, access tohealthcare, and the establishment or repair of temporary shelters.

“After anearthquake, people are afraid to go into buildings. They will want to stayclose to their homes to protect their land and belongings, so they will createa shelter outside. They need shelter materials – timber, tarpaulin, mats – toprotect them from the cold and rain.”

Your support is needed now! The people in Lebanon need your support to survive this crisis.

Let’s act now to relieve those who suffer in silence

Donate to our emergency fund

Your gift will help to better the lives of people who have endured so much. Your support will get vital services operating again so families can access health care, mental health and nutrition services, safe drinking water, and adequate shelter. And you will help provide specialised care for people with disabilities who otherwise wouldn’t receive it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Medair's mission, operations, and how you can support the people we serve. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions!
Where does Medair operate?

Monthly gifts mean we can count on your regular support, which helps us meet our programmes' biggest needs. It also helps us plan better for the future and invest in more sustainable projects that build people’s resilience and help restore communities. In emergencies, your regular support helps us preposition supplies and support so we can act fast to save more lives.

How can I get involved in Medair's work?

Yes. All donations made to Medair are tax deductible in your country of residence for tax purposes. Please make sure to donate through your local Support Office who will be able to issue you a tax receipt for your donation(s).

What sort of projects does Medair do in the countries where you work?

Yes. We do everything we can to ensure our donors’ personal and financial information is stored securely. For questions and/or concerns about our data protection policy, please contact us at:

Email: dataprotection@medair.org 
Phone number: +41 (0)21 694 35 35

Is Medair involved in long-term development projects?

Yes. We understand that sometimes circumstances change that may impact your giving to Medair. In this case, you can contact your local Support Office who will be able to walk you through your different options.

How does Medair ensure accountability and transparency in its operations?

We are transparent about our finances and committed to using them wisely – 90.5% goes directly to delivering humanitarian assistance and 9.5% to supporting management and fundraising efforts. We are certified to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), which demonstrates our programme excellence. And we are deeply committed to upholding and being accountable to our codes of ethics and protection policies. Percentages might not total 100% due to rounding.