Sponsor a project and provide long-lasting help to a community

Make a meaningful impact that yields powerful results. Sponsorships start at $2,500USD and are a great way to make an even bigger difference to people impacted by disasters and conflicts.

“Supporting Medair is more than just a donation. It's an investment in hope. Having witnessed their transparent and impactful work for myself has reassured me that my contribution is making a meaningful difference. Their commitment to accountability and results is why I continue to support their projects today.”

Major donor

Why sponsor a project?

When you sponsor a project, you are helping save lives during emergencies and investing in communities’ recovery long afterwards. Whether it’s funding a life-saving nutrition clinic in a remote village or restoring a community’s drinking water, your generous support makes a measurable impact.

100% of your financial support will go directly to fund your project. Plus, all donations made to Medair are tax-deductible.
Medair project water in Syria

Measurable impact

We monitor the results of all our projects very closely. When you commit to financially sponsoring a project, you will receive a personalised impact report detailing the difference you are making to people’s lives and their communities. This includes detailed financials explaining how your gift was used.

Individualised approach

You can choose from a variety of projects that align with your passions and interests. Whether it’s supporting mothers with safe births through our Women & Children’s Fund or providing safe shelters to refugees caught in crisis through our Refugee Fund, your relationship manager can help match you with the right project.
Women from DR Congo looking at the camera
Medair staff in front of a tent

Personalised reporting

Sponsoring a project is a significant commitment and one we guarantee to honour. Depending on your investment, we will provide even more personalised updates, including on-the-ground videos from your project.

Here’s where you can make a big impact

Every project is specifically designed to meet people’s most pressing needs such as health, nutrition, shelter, safe water and hygiene. Get in touch today to get started on a meaningful giving journey.


Will supply 50 refugees with the supplies needed to survive the cold winters in Jordan.


Will provide 350 refugees in Jordan with emergency assistance.

Discover some of our projects around the world

How sponsorship works


You choose a project

Choose from one of many projects based on your interests and passions. Or choose a specific cause and spread your impact across several projects. Projects typically start at $2,500USD.


Make a donation to this project

Once you’ve chosen a project or cause to support, get in touch with us and our team members will walk you through how to make a donation. They can also help answer any questions about your sponsorship journey and tax-deductions.


We keep you up-to-date

At the end of your sponsorship, we will provide you with a personalised report detailing exactly how your sponsorship made a difference. And as a thank you for your incredible generosity, we would like to acknowledge you on our website as a valued sponsor.

Are you ready to make a life-saving difference?

When lives are on the line and communities are devastated, your sponsorship can make all the difference.

Are you ready to make a life-saving difference?

When lives are on the line and communities are devastated, your sponsorship can make all the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Medair's mission, operations, and how you can support the people we serve. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions!
Where does Medair operate?

Our Headquarters is located in Switzerland – where we were originally founded in 1989 – with two Shared Service Centres in Kenya and Lebanon and six Affiliate Offices in France, Germany, South Korea, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Medair is currently responding to humanitarian needs in 13 countries worldwide and has been responding in 45 countries since 1989.

How can I get involved in Medair's work?

We rely on the generosity of time, money, and prayer of others. If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation, partner with us, or learn how you can pray for our work, visit our Get Involved page for more information.

What sort of projects does Medair do in the countries where you work?

Medair focusses on people’s most urgent needs in times of crisis, which most often includes water and sanitation, nutrition, health, and shelter. We also use cash assistance where appropriate to help people provide for themselves, allowing them to prioritise their biggest needs while investing in the local economy. We also recognise that the people we serve are often traumatised and need care, so we offer mental health and psychosocial support.

Is Medair involved in long-term development projects?

Our mandate is to respond to urgent humanitarian needs resulting from disaster, disease, and conflict. However, for communities to be more resilient, they need to become better prepared and resourced to withstand future threats. That’s why we train communities and hire staff locally to strengthen their capacity to respond to emergencies.

For example, in places prone to climate disasters like Madagascar, we developed an early warning system to help communities prepare for incoming cyclones and trained staff in-country to maintain water systems so safe drinking water isn’t compromised.