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Medair’s impact worldwide


Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

Is humanitarian aid climate friendly?

Explore the relationship between climate change and humanitarian aid, and how Medair is stepping up for a greener future.

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Against All Odds

Amidst a compounding crisis, the current situation in Lebanon has become a significant contributing factor to the ongoing challenges faced by the refugee population.

Art therapy and Humanitarian NGOs

Arts in MHPSS: A Creative Journey – step one in a series

Alleviating hunger in South Sudan

Discover how Medair is saving the lives of malnourished children in Stabilisation Centers in in South Sudan

Sudan’s Crisis Deepens

The Battle Against Famine and Healthcare System on the verge of Collapse

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

Is humanitarian aid climate friendly?

Explore the relationship between climate change and humanitarian aid, and how Medair is stepping up for a greener future.

Medair – responding to Mpox in Democratic Republic of Congo - 20 AUG 2024

Medair – responding to mpox in DRC. Observations of a front-line doctor

New Hope After the Floods in Somalia

Discover how Medair's distribution of shelter materials provided relief and hope to displaced families in southern Somalia, as they face the challenges of floods and overcrowded IDP camps.

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