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Medair’s impact worldwide


A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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Working in the field? There’s an App for that!

Our colleagues tell us about the most important apps for field work

Honduras: “I don’t know how we’ll go on”

Dr Suny joined Medair’s Emergency Response Team in Honduras to conduct assessments in remote communities. She shares her experience of the double disaster.

Phasing Out from Iraq

In August 2014, our Global Emergency Response Team arrived in the city of Zakho in northern Iraq.

The Chaos Does Not Last: Reflecting on Six Years in Iraq

Chaos has a way of putting on a show and garnering every ounce of our attention if we let it. Once it takes centre stage, chaos works quickly to deplete our energy reserves and distract us from goodness around us.

Remembering Sinjar

Today all Yezidis are remembering what they were doing; who they lost; who is still missing; and what has changed forever.

Mama Christina shares how volunteering helped her thrive after disaster

Your gifts touched the lives of thousands of people in Mozambique this year after two devastating cyclones struck the country in a matter of weeks.

Looking ahead: Medair’s commitment to innovation

Even in the midst of humanitarian response, Medair’s team of aid workers seek opportunities to find better and new ways to assist people affected by conflict or natural disaster. We often work in partnerships to conduct research, to pilot studies, and to support policies that integrate new approaches into humanitarian interventions.

10 Things I Learned in Mozambique

Between March and April 2019, Mozambique was hit by two major disasters in just 42 days. According to the United Nations, more than two million people in Mozambique were affected by two major storm systems: Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth.

New and safer homes for 1,300 families

1,300 families have received a new, earthquake-resilient home that will help better protect them against future disasters. More than 600 local construction workers were trained in earthquake-resilient building techniques. With this knowledge, communities can build and rebuild homes back safer for years to come.

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