5 min read

Madagascar Crisis Report 2023

May 15, 2023
by Medair
Review the latest 2023 report about our the current crisis and Medair's actions in Madagascar.

Medair remains committed to respond to the most vulnerable through our multisectoral responses in the Grand South and Grand Southeast, focusing on these sectors: water, sanitation, and hygiene, health and nutrition, emergency response, and disaster risk management.

We have people on the ground with two field bases across the most-affected regions of the Grand South and Grand Southeast of Madagascar. We had just successfully finished our Cyclone Cheneso Emergency Response in the west coast of the country.

While continuously responding to the long-term drought in the south through WASH and health and nutrition, Medair has responded to cyclone-stricken survivors in January and February, respectively.

Read the full report in PDF here.

May 15, 2023
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