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A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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No place to call home: What does it really mean to be a refugee, an asylum seeker, or a displaced person?

“I call no place home,” says Hawas, an Iraqi man who was forced to flee his home in Zummar, Iraq because of the conflict in his country.

The landslides swept away everything

Cyclone Kenneth, the strongest ever to strike Mozambique, hit the northern coast of the country on 25 April 2019, not even six weeks after the previous devastating cyclone, Idai, had hit the central provinces on 14 March.

Dhobi, what’s written between sky and mountain peaks

On 25 April 2015, Nepal was hit by its deadliest earthquake in a hundred years. Close to 9,000 people were killed, and entire regions were devastated. Panorama travelled to Dhobi, a Nepalese village on the borders of the Himalayas. Intimately connected to the earth, its Hindu and Buddhist inhabitants are still recovering.

Lok and Rasmita

It's only 7:00 in the morning, but the sun is already high and the small village of Dhobi is already immersed in its daily activities. The family that we will visit this morning lives not far from the village, a few kilometres higher up the road that climbs the mountains.

“I saw mothers stringing mosquito nets up in the branches to hold their children and keep them safe from the stream of water”

“People ran out of their huts trying to escape. But there was no way to escape, the water was everywhere. I saw my people climbing trees to escape the floods. I saw mothers stringing mosquito nets up in the branches to hold their children and keep them safe from the stream of water,”

5 reasons to support women during emergencies

On International Women’s Day, Medair’s International Programmes Director, Anne Reitsema, offers her thoughts on the unique challenges facing women in times of emergencies and why we must act.

The emergency phase may be over, but the rebuilding and recovery will take years

It's two o'clock in the morning at Jakarta airport, yet the Garuda plane for Palu is full. There are no humanitarian workers or tourists. The plane is full of locals carrying huge plastic bags full of all sorts of products they cannot find in Palu anymore. The flight takes off from Java – one of Indonesia’s 17,504 islands.

Haiti: I’ve Never Seen a Storm Like That

Alicia, 50, had never experienced anything like Hurricane Matthew before.

“They Never Stood a Chance” – An Update from Haiti

Haiti hadn’t seen a storm like this one in more than 50 years.

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