Policy on Preventing Forced Labour and Human Trafficking


Who must follow this policy

This policy applies to all Medair employees, trustees, board members, consultants,contractors, volunteers, interns, individuals or organisations under short or long termcontractual obligations such as third parties, suppliers, agents, and implementing partners,and any other persons acting on behalf of Medair (“representatives”). Representatives areexpected to read, understand, and comply with all aspects of this policy.

Medair’s position on forced labour and human trafficking

Medair operates in countries plagued by crisis and conflict. Such conditions exposevulnerable populations, in particular women and children, to risks of abuse, forced labourand human trafficking.

Medair does not tolerate forced labour, human trafficking or any form of modern slavery.These activities represent serious human rights violations and criminal offences. Medairrepresentatives shall not engage in nor shall they support or facilitate forced labour orhuman trafficking of any kind.

Medair is committed to preventing, detecting and thoroughly investigating any suspectedact of forced labour or human trafficking, and where appropriate, reporting the incident tothe relevant law enforcement authorities.