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Medair’s impact worldwide


A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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From a shack to a health unit

Bringing health and nutrition to a mountain village in Yemen

The climate crisis is changing how I do my job

As humanitarians we are bearing witness to the effects of climate change on a daily basis.

Building resilience

How Medair is providing health, nutrition, psychosocial, and sanitation support to returnees from Pakistan in Southern Afghanistan

Unbroken Spirit: Rehabilitation for a person with specific needs.

Providing tailored assistance to people with specific needs living in substandard buildings to improve the quality of life.

Living amidst shelling

Oleksandr and Halyna, both in their seventies, lived in a peaceful village where their day-to-day was blissful, and uneventful – until one day, their house was struck by a missile, damaging the roof and foundations and leaving their picturesque house almost unrecognizable. Our team visited their home to listen to their story.

Humanitarian Story – Lifesaving Response to Malnutrition

Medair’s project is a lifeline for many people in rural Southern Afghanistan who face multiple challenges due to conflict, displacement, poverty, and lack of access to basic services. Medair is committed to reaching the most vulnerable and marginalized groups with quality integrated life-saving health and nutrition services.

Snowflakes of Support

Winter In Ukraine

Wheels of Hope

Story about two friends, where both have had a physical disability since birth and they received a mobility aid device from Medair

Empowering Adolescents Through Peer Support Groups

The impact of the multiple crises in Lebanon has increased the need for mental health and psychosocial support across all population groups, including adolescents.

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