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Medair’s impact worldwide


A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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Ecuador Earthquake Response: No Community Forgotten

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Ecuador in April killed 660 people and injured 4,600 within the first 72 hours.

Why malnutrition is still a major problem in the world

We live in a world that is wealthier and more developed than ever. We can board a plane and cross the planet before the day ends. We can talk to family and friends continents away. We have resources and knowledge unimaginable to previous generations. Yet hunger remains a daily reality for millions of people, particularly in developing nations. It impacts young mothers and children most severely – in fact, one in three child deaths is linked to malnutrition.

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