Senior Management

Onze Senior Managers zijn in de eerste plaats mensgerichte leiders die onze kernwaarden uitdragen binnen hun teams. Ze beschikken over een behoorlijke portie humanitaire en interculturele werkervaring in het buitenland. Ze zijn goed in het aansturen en motiveren van diverse teams met krappe budgetten en garanderen de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen.

Wij zoeken ervaren managers

We hebben leidinggevende functies beschikbaar in onze landenprogramma's, op de landenkantoren en op ons hoofdkantoor. De dagelijkse verantwoordelijkheden variëren, maar de meeste van onze senior managers hebben ervaring met:

  • Aansturing van diverse teams
  • Kunnen omgaan met onveilige context
  • Afstemming met uiteenlopende belanghebbende
  • Maken en uitvoeren van strategisch beleid
  • Projectmanagement
  • Succesvol monitoren en evalueren van programma’s

Jobs in Senior Management

Country Director

ROC Required
The Country Director (CD) leads a diverse team to serve the world’s most vulnerable, overseeing all in-country programme and support activities. The CD plays a key role in donor relations, grant management, external representation, and legal compliance. The CD manages the country strategy, project implementation, and evaluation with senior managers.

Roving Country Director (CD) Remote

ROC Required
The Roving CD provides interim senior leadership cover in establishedprograms or new emergency responses. They lead in program and supportactivities, including donor relations, grant management, externalrepresentation, legal compliance, and project implementation. They work closelywith the senior management team in country and are part of the Global EmergencyResponse Team (G-ERT) and the International Department of GSO.

Deputy Country Director

ROC Required
Provide leadership and oversight of operational aspects, ensuring quality and timely programme delivery. Deputise for the Country Director, focusing on external representation, legal compliance, and team leadership

Deputy Country Director

ROC Required
The Deputy Country Director manages the development and oversees the implementation and development of the programme functions to facilitate the implementation of the country strategy. Providing leadership, strategic direction, management and evaluation of all aspects of the programme, the Deputy Country Director also plays a key role in external representation, legal compliance, grant management, programme coordination and team leadership.

Deputy Country Director

ROC Required
The Deputy Country Director manages the development and oversees the implementation and development of the programme and support functions to facilitate the implementation of the country strategy. Providing leadership, strategic direction, management and evaluation of all aspects of the programme, the Deputy Country Director also plays a key role in external representation, legal compliance, grant management, programme coordination and team leadership.

Project Coordinator

ROC Required
The Project Coordinator manages the implementation and coordination of the designated field projects. Providing leadership, strategic direction, management and evaluation of all aspects of the Medair projects, the Project Coordinator also plays a key role in liaison with local authorities and other relevant stakeholders, team leadership and security management.

Apply to our Relief & Recovery Orientation Course

Medair’s Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) is a one-week simulation course that will help determine if a humanitarian career with Medair is the right fit for you, and if you are a strong fit for Medair. After participating in the course, you will enter a “pool” of qualified candidates that are ready to be called upon to respond to humanitarian crises. When needs arise in our country programmes, we will offer you a position in line with your competencies and our needs. If you apply for an international position, the ROC will be mandatory for you to work in our country programmes.
Humanitarian relief worker from Medair walking in the jungle