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Medair’s impact worldwide


A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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“You need to be a strong person to live”

Supporting people with disability

Annual Report 2022

We have seen a year of global upheaval, with the conflict in Ukraine, terrible droughts, increased military coups and conflicts, a massive hunger crisis, and new outbreaks of deadly diseases. Review the 2022 report.

Medair Invest in Aid Foundation Annual Report 2022

Medair Invest in Aid Foundation Annual Report 2022 The purpose of the Medair Invest in Aid Foundation is to support the humanitarian aid work of the not‐for‐profit NGO Medair by raising funds and adopting a capital and reserve building approach. The Foundation uses its own resources to support Medair through regular, often yearly donations. These contributions are designed to provide the flexibility needed to address Medair's most pressing needs.

What I Can't Live Without

We asked our colleagues all over the world to tell us the items they simply cannot live without.

“The nine session effect”

The context and hard conditions experienced by adolescents drives many of their mental health concerns. They can suffer in silence and are also afraid that they won’t be able to cope.

Bangladesh: A Look Back

Serving Rohingya families in the world’s largest refugee camp

Going the extra mile a day in the life of the mobile outreach team

In the Al Dhale’e Governorate, in the southwest of Yemen, every day can be a fight for survival. Almost half of the healthcare facilities in the district are inoperative or run at a reduced capacity. This is because of reduced staffing and a lack of essential medicines and supplies, and urgent action needed. In the remote mountainous areas of Al Dhale’e, people live in particularly hard conditions, travelling long distances to receive healthcare. The downfall of the economy has placed additional pressure on Yemenis.

We Are All Human

Water in Yemen is scarce. Less than half of the population, and less than ten per cent of internally displaced persons in Yemen have access to safe water and sanitation1. We had weak infrastructure prior to the war. Now, during and after the conflict, we have damaged infrastructure that has affected access to water and sanitation across the country.

CEO BLOG: Why DR Congo matters

Medair works in coordination with the Congolese Ministry of Health and other humanitarian agencies to provide life-sustaining services to people displaced from their homes, and to the communities that receive them. The work I saw our teams doing on the ground reminded me that, despite the immensity of the challenge, hope remains.

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