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Medair’s impact worldwide


A story from Medair Project Manager in Chad

It is hell on earth and the world is looking away.

Medair – Mpox emergency  – GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo - 29 AUG 2024

Mpox emergency in DRC – Awaiting vaccines, working on a Strategic National Response Plan

Primary Healthcare System in Crisis

Highlighting how the multilayered crisis is significantly impacting the availability and cost effectiveness of healthcare services in Lebanon, and the critical importance of primary healthcare centres.

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Reaching out to people in need

How Medair reaches out to drought-affected nomad pastoral communities in need

Towards Flood Resilient Shelter Solutions

How Medair does a research project on flood resilient shelter solutions

World Breastfeeding Week: Enhancing Health for Mother and Baby

Promoting Breastfeeding among Mothers in Jordan

Giving Hope

Supporting affected people with the distribution of shelter kits, cooking supplies, and personal hygiene supplies

Memoirs Of A Surgeon

Rebuilding of medical facilities in Ukraine

Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Humanitarian needs have reached a new high in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Mid-June, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee – The UN’s highest-level humanitarian coordination forum – activated the “scale up” of humanitarian operations in the country. But international NGOs are already concerned that it will be insufficient to address the multiplicity of crises facing the country.

Starving for Survival

Households in Baalbek/Hermel are facing the risk of eviction following the inability to pay an increase in rental fees.

A New Life

Improving health awareness through behaviour change communication

Madagascar Crisis Report 2023

Review the latest 2023 report about our the current crisis and Medair's actions in Madagascar.

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