Finanzen & Grant-Management

Unsere Mitarbeitenden im Bereich Finanzen und Grant-Management spielen eine entscheidende Rolle in Bezug auf die Programm- und Auditanforderungen. Ihre Arbeit ist von unschätzbarem Wert, denn sie gewährleisten bei der Umsetzung von Projektaktivitäten in unsicheren, instabilen Umgebungen eine solide Finanzlage.

Wir suchen qualifizierte Fachkräfte, die...

  • über einen Abschluss (Bachelor oder Master) in den Bereichen Finanzen oder Buchhaltung verfügen, diplomierte Wirtschaftsprüfer sind oder das CPA-Examen abgelegt haben.
  • über mindestens vier Jahre Berufserfahrung im Finanzbereich verfügen
  • über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in Microsoft Office (insbesondere Excel) und ein gutes Verständnis von Buchhaltungssoftware (vorzugsweise Microsoft Dynamics) verfügen.
  • ein gutes Zahlenverständnis mitbringen, lösungsorientiert denken und ein Auge fürs Detail haben.
  • gut organisiert sind, Bedürfnisse gut analysieren und Prioritäten setzen können
  • über eine Ausbildung und Know-how im Projektmanagement, der Budgetierung und der Personalführung verfügen, insbesondere in Schulung und Förderung von Mitarbeitenden.

Jobs in Finanzen & Grant-Management

Programme Funding Manager

ROC Required
The Programme Funding Manager (PFM) has delegated responsibility for researching new funding sources, preparing specific bids, proposals and reports for submission to institutional donors as well as donor relationship management and maintenance of appropriate information systems. Providing strategic support, monitoring, review and evaluation of all aspects of Medair programmes, the Programme Funding Manager plays a key role in grant coordination.

Programme Funding Manager

ROC Required
The Programme Funding Manager (PFM) is responsible for the development of project proposals and report writing, supporting the Country Director with donor relationship management, and researching new funding opportunities. The PFM is a member of the senior management team, manages grant information using Medair systems, and participates in the spiritual life of the team.

Deputy Financial Controller

ROC Required
The Deputy Financial Controller role is part of the Global Support Office (GSO) finance leadership team. The role is responsible for Medair financial reporting to management, and coordinates Medair global financial planning and analysis, budgeting and forecasting. The Deputy financial controller contributes to developing and embedding fit for purpose internal controls to ensure the integrity of financial reporting and regulatory compliance, and to improve operational efficiency by ensuring that budgets are adhered to, policies are followed, capital shortages are identified, and accurate reports are generated for Medair leadership in a timely manner.

Programme Funding Manager

ROC Required
Medair arrived in Ukraine at the end of February 2022 and provides multi-sector relief programme in life-saving health, WASH, shelter/infrastructure, NFI/CVA, protection and mental health and psychosocial services across different locations in Ukraine (West, North, North East and Eastern Regions).

Finance & Human Resources Manager

ROC Required
Oversee the financial and HR activities of the programme. Responsibility for the accounting functions required to provide accurate and timely information on the financial status of the programme to donors GSO, field management and field teams. Organise and further develop the financial processes, recruiting and managing the finance team, providing coaching and training as required. Recruitment of national HR staff, staff policy development, co-ordination of training and general staff well-being. The Finance and HR Manager also works with field management and GSO on in-country issues for employees on international contracts.

Partnerships Development and Grant Manager

ROC Required
Research new funding sources, prepare specific bids, proposals and reports for submission to institutional donors as well as donor relationship management and maintenance of appropriate information systems. Provide strategic support, monitor, review and evaluate all aspects of Medair programmes.

Apply to our Relief & Recovery Orientation Course

Medair’s Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) is a one-week simulation course that will help determine if a humanitarian career with Medair is the right fit for you, and if you are a strong fit for Medair. After participating in the course, you will enter a “pool” of qualified candidates that are ready to be called upon to respond to humanitarian crises. When needs arise in our country programmes, we will offer you a position in line with your competencies and our needs. If you apply for an international position, the ROC will be mandatory for you to work in our country programmes.
Humanitarian relief worker from Medair walking in the jungle