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Medair Invest in Aid Foundation Annual Report 2022

par Medair
Medair Invest in Aid Foundation Annual Report 2022 The purpose of the Medair Invest in Aid Foundation is to support the humanitarian aid work of the not‐for‐profit NGO Medair by raising funds and adopting a capital and reserve building approach. The Foundation uses its own resources to support Medair through regular, often yearly donations. These contributions are designed to provide the flexibility needed to address Medair's most pressing needs.

Where does the Foundation's support come from?  

The Foundation was established with an initial capital of CHF 50 000 provided by Medair. Since then, the Foundation has built up its capital through generous contributions from loyal supporters. These private donations have been supplemented by legacies received over the years, which have become an essential source of financial support for both the Foundation and Medair.

What support was given to the Foundation in 2022?

In 2022, the Foundation received private donations totalling CHF 10 000 from faithful and generous donors. The Foundation greatly appreciates the continued support of these donors, which is crucial to sustaining its mission. However, there were no legacies received during the year. The Foundation will continue its efforts to diversify its sources of income to ensure the sustainability of its support to Medair.

Read the full report here

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Medair est une organisation chrétienne qui vient en aide aux personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus isolées, dans des contextes de conflits, d’épidémies et de catastrophes, pour les aider à retrouver espoir et dignité. Nous nous tenons aux côtés de ceux qui souffrent et cherchons à restaurer ce qui a été brisé.